
day 1

Well,, this is my 2nd morning post.
Hell-o people.!
Hope you enjoy your monday.
Ada yang bilang kalo lo ga enjoy hari senin lo then you'll hate the whole week.
Wew, what a great impact yaah..

Yesterday was my first day without him.
Berat rasanya.
Tapi gue udah janji ke diri gue sendiri buat kasih waktu buat kita.
Entah untuk apa.
Yang jelas emang waktu dan jarak yang kita butuhkan saat ini.

Sebenernya Pengeeen banget rasanya ngabarin dia tentang segala macem.
Tapi gue ga mau ganggu dia dulu.
Ga mau ngebawelin dia segala macem dulu.
Gue juga butuh waktu buat diri gue.
Kayak yang dia bilang,"take your time.."
Well, that was what I do.

Oh iya,, 'Your journey will begin very soon' .. that was what my fortune cookie says about me.
I wonder what journey I'd have.
Journey.? Reminds me to serombongan orang yang pergi ke barat demi mencari kitab suci yaah.. Hehehehe.

Jujur, I didn't enjoy my sleep last night.
Padahal gue cape dan ngantuk banget.
Tapi tetep aja ga bisa tidur dengan nyenyak.
Paginya pun gue bangun dengan imaji yang terus bermain di pelupuk mata.
Uugh,, that's terrible.

Can I get my life back.?
With or without him, I just wanna get my life back.
I wanna live normal.

Get up, CePe..!!
Go get a life.!
Move your ass..!!
Look at reality.!
Look at surround you..!!
There are soooo many things u can do than cry at your sorrow..!!
Yes I'll do it.!
Let's go to salon and do one day treatment..!!


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