
lost my precious one

Losing your beloved makes you feel empty inside. Don't know what to do.
Wake up in d morning never be d same. You got into blank situation then you realized that you lose something precious in your life.

Even I've been in a situation dimana gue ga bisa bedain mana mimpi mana kenyataan.
Saat gue bangun, gue berharap semua itu cuma mimpi. Dan saat gue beneran tidur, mimpi gue pun tentang hal itu.

sorry for being menye2,, but losing your precious one makes your tears fall down to replace the emptiness.

Crying is not symbol of weakness. It's just because you don't know what you have to do.

Aaaargh. Gue benci jadi lemah kayak gini. Gue benci terus2an nangis. Gue cape..!!

Gue benci untuk terus me-recall semua memori yang ada di otak gue. Bisa ga sih semuanya itu gue masukin dalam 'the box' dan ga usah gue buka2 lagi.?!

Saat ada yang hilang di diri lo, dan lo merasa kosong, apa semua itu harus diisi dengan airmata.?

Dear you,
Please stop my tears.
Let me to move on.
Stay away from my mind.
Let me enjoy this solitary moment.

And dear God,
Would You be kind to bless him whereever he's and whatever he does.?


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