
till the end of time

'..dear God., if he&i were made to be together then make it..but if not., please take him away from me..'

that's what im asking to God to do. so far, he choose 2nd option
but im chasing him again. get hurt again. ask God the same pray. finally, He still give me 2nd option.

the lesson i learn here is about if man&woman are not meant to be together then it means they can't be together. how hard you try, it still doesn't work.

yes some people say that there's nothing wrong if they give it a shot. they have given it., even shotS. the things that they do --and the shotS they give-- are just the way to satisfy them so they could come up with a conclusion and closed with 'love is not for you and i..'

God speak!
then what could they do.?the harder they try, the louder God speak. how much signs do they need to proof that they can't be together.?at least they both are still trying to make it., begging for God's mercy to bind them till death do they apart.

but what if for girl wo falls in love with a boy.?the bad news is that boy is even never looks at taht girl. never realizes the existences of girl. and always ignore her.

you must be wondering why girl doesn't move on.?
it's because she still begs on God's mercy. no matter how loud God speak., doesn't care how hurt the feeling is.. she still there for him..stands for him..wish someday he would know her existence even when she already gone..


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