

Since it's been so long time I don't write any post, so I believe that I lost my ability in blogging.

Instead of proofing that painful truth, I'm trying to break it.
I also believe that long journey starts from a step.
And my blog will be started by a word and also willing to write.

Actually, I had soooo much things in my head. About my life, about my surround, about my job, about my friends, anything.!
But suddenly they're gone when I talk to myself,"I don't know how to write them down..."

This morning when I had my breakfast at canteen, I read my blog on my BlackBerry.
it's amazing how those post could make me laugh, sad, smile, even through the time tunnel.
Those words brought me back to the time back then and my mind gave me a vision of the time I have now.
What came in my mind was,"how amazing life is..."

To be frankly, it was one guy who asked me to,'update blog aja sana..' when I said to him,'mas jangan tidur dong..aku baru bangun nih..' at this 12.20AM.
His magical words be my magic spell to start a new post.
How come.?
What is it.?
Is it believing.?
Or faith.?


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